Friday, May 31, 2013

you are the pickle in my coleslaw, and man I love coleslaw.

From what originated with a pass of a note started a high school crush. Later brought us back together as road partners,  then off to college as we were study-buddies, next became long distance relationships {even across the globe}, to now the current status of homeowners/adults/the real life. #itsmeandyoubabe

We made a 'little family' that has happily grown over a period of time.

Me. You. Moose.

After a great decade plus a few more; Tim and I will put it in writing. 

I couldn't be more excited to spend the rest of my life with a man that I adore.

what was established in 2000 just became real.
coming soon

lucky me. lucky13.

Monday, February 18, 2013

my current wagon...

Everyone goes through episodes in their life or phases where they are on a wagon for quite sometime or just ride it for a block or two.  The wagon I am riding consists of...



Did I mention I love bacon? Ha! No seriously. I'm trying to change things up a bit. No grains, legumes, limited dairy.  I've been cooking like it's my job. Plenty of great {bloggers} out there to help me out!  

For the Tim.

est. in the year 2000. I can't seem to locate photos '00, '01, '02.  But they are most likely at mothers or on a hard drive I can't locate. 13 years with a great man. How'd I get so lucky?  Ready to continue this journey and make so many more memories though. I love you mr. jones.
Goals one, two, and three:
Be the best woman he'll ever know.
Master the fine art of communication.
Kiss him more.
For the Moose.


My Pinterest board is so helpful to keep up with the goal in what I want my home to be. Its a great way to log my ideas.  Are you on Pinterest?  Do we follow each other?


Sounds like a great challenge; my opinion!

Random Online Shopping.

If you haven't heard KS has a Saturday Sale on must!  I'm in interweb shopping love. Such fun finds. But isn't everything on Fab...well...FAB?


Currently, this is my bedside. 
I finished The Happiness Project; loaned it to a friend.
 The journals are so fun and a nightly 5 min tradition.  
I am currently in the midst of The Real Jane Austen. 

Granted, my wagon is packed like a can of sardines; I think it has me content for a while. Let's see for how long;)

Monday, February 4, 2013

all things moose

date: a snowy day
location: back door
feelings: frost bit

Friday, February 1, 2013

double dose {friday snow days}

"beep, beep"  4:30 text!  Yippee!  No school. Turn off all alarms and enjoy a little snooze on Friday…twice in a row. 

Plans for the day:

Photograph the Moose {check} after-all, he has a NEW sweater:)

Send my new read to a friend. {check}

Plan my February meals! {check} + do this week's grocery shopping:)

Update this blog which is {beyond} overdue. {check}

Visit Pinterest and add something amazing to my boards;) 

Add some life to the house today. {check}

end of the day. me, a coffee and some quality couch time {while Tim is out with the boys}